Issue 5: Being S.M.A.R.T.
Happy New Year to all! As the new year begins, many of us are considering how to make changes to be more satisfied and happy with our livess. Many of these long-standing issues, we have been struggled with for years. In making any change be it a diet, a exercise program, jobs, developing a mindful eating practice, starting a meditation practice etc. it’s best to be SMART about it. (1)
The acronym is as follows:
S: set a goal that is Specific (not complicated or detailed). Example: I want to start walking each day.
M: set a goal that is Measurable, not vague. Example: I will walk 15 minutes each day.
A: set a goal that is Achievable. Example: to walk 15 minutes a day is more achievable then starting out
walking 60 minutes a day.
R: sit a goal that is Relevant, not more than you could reasonably achieve. Example: I will walk 15 minutes
a day.
T: set a goal that is Time bound. Example: I will walk 15 minutes a day, not I will walk for awhile each day.
These guidelines can be very helpful. Just remember the past is gone. Be aware of how your thoughts about the past (and failed attempts to make changes) can sabotage your efforts today. Let go of all thoughts about the past. The present moment is new. It is independent of the past and the future. Let your present attempts at change stand alone. Take each moment as independent of what has happened yesterday and what could happen tomorrow. Any belief you have about how you could not make a change today (based on your past attempts) is pure fallacy.
Eat Mindfully, Breathe Mindfully & Enjoy Life!
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